
Shimauchi Preschool

Shimauchi Preschool

Savanna: Community Helpers are Cool! February 17- 21

We set up our very own Ramen Shop in Savanna. Our chefs said that they will make delicious “miso, shoyu and any kind of noodles. I am a waiter. Here’s your ramen.” We will never go hungry in Savanna and all customers are welcome!

Savanna parents are so cool! They presented in English too. What great role models! Ms Photographer showed us her amazing collection of photographs. She even took pictures of us – happy, funny and cool poses! Ms ANA shared about her job helping passengers as a ground and operations staff in the airport. Mr Doctor and Mrs Doctor brought their stethoscopes, syringes and a model of a heart. They help sick patients get better. Savanna students were attentive and they made interesting comments and questions. Well-done!

Savanna: “How many photos do you take? Why do you like to take photos of rivers? Which airport do you work in? Why do we have a heart? There are ambulances in hospitals too. There are no needles in these (syringes)?” Tough questions but all well-answered by our guest speakers. Good job community helpers!

Savanna has been reading their high-frequency words fluently. These words appear frequently in speech and text, such as “are, you, and, it, in”. We call them ‘Jump Out Words’ as popularised by Jack Hartman’s catchy songs. We are on to our third group of words. Please see video below. (12 words: do, use, how, now, but, by, her, him, yes, no, or, on). We have Word Hunt in class looking for these Jump Out Words. We underline these words in the environmental print we see in the classroom. Savanna love hunting for word in a word too. For example, Savanna spotted words on our calendar like…’to‘ in ‘today’ and ‘the‘ in ‘weather’. It’s Hunting Season!! Till next week, have a fabulous long weekend!

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