
Gojo Elementary School


Grade 3 Sep 12-16th!🗺

Greetings, I hope that you are well and had a good weekend/week.

This week was a pretty good and productive week as we started a new Line Of Inquiry. This LOI is all about the functions of public facilities in our town and the key word is Function. We started out with learning about the, ‘Home,’ which I think is probably the most important facility in human society. This was followed up by Businesses in society and Friday we will focus on The Municipal office. 

Monday was a good day for the students to have P.E and Music lessons to start the week off. The students really enjoy these combo lessons on Mondays after the weekend. They have been practicing their dance routine for the sports day which is coming up soon.

Tuesday we discussed the importance and the function of having homes in our society. This continued to Wednesday as well. This was received pretty well by the students and they prepared a few interview questions for their parents at home. We also had an intruder drill on Tuesday, and we had visitors from the police services. This became good practice for the students as we are in a new school building. 

Thursday was a good day too, as the students started to learn about the importance of businesses in our town and society, especially in Matsumoto. The students learned about the difference between goods and services. We discussed the many prominent businesses that are in Matsumoto and they really got into this lesson as the students enjoyed this lesson. At the end, we also created our own posters on some of the businesses in Matsumoto. Some of the students focused on businesses like Aeon Mall, and Sports Depo. 

Friday will be on the Matsumoto Local Municipality and we hope this will be great. We hope you have a good weekend and a productive week ahead.


今週Grade3は、新しいLOI(Line Of Inquiry)を開始し、かなり充実した一週間となりました。このLOIは、私たちの町の公共施設の機能に関するもので、キーワードは「機能」です。











TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G3 / Grade 3 Sep 12-16th!🗺