
Gojo Elementary School


Grade 6: Plans and preparations

Hello, everyone!A week of unusual weather is behind us. The students enjoyed some free time outside on Monday and Tuesday, but quickly switched to warmer indoor activities on Thursday and Friday. They revised their knowledge of our body systems, they planned an upcoming bus trip and prepared for next week’s Sports Festival.

The students have practiced their knowledge of human body systems by drawing life-size models of the human body with all organ systems represented. We have also discussed the function and importance of our urinary system and ways to keep it working properly. Next week we will talk about practical ways of taking care of one’s body and keeping it healthy. 💪

Thank you to all the parents for discussing the upcoming 2-day-trip with the students. They seemed very motivated to plan their trip and enjoyed thinking of the itinerary. This kind of activity is very important in terms of building students agency and facilitate their independence. 🧳

The students have also been helping with the organization of the Sports Festival. They have been practicing their dance steps for next Saturday, as well as helping with the decoration and selecting songs for the Sports Festival playlist. Let’s all have a fun Sports Festival! Have a lovely long weekend! ⚽

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G6 / Grade 6: Plans and preparations