
Gojo Elementary School


Grade 1 – Christmas show practice and sweet potato party!

Hello everyone! Grade 1 had a very exciting start of the week. We roasted the sweet potatoes we dug. The students helped start the fire at the fireplace using dried rice grass, leaves and wood. It got really smokey, but everyone was mesmerised by the fire and worked as great team to keep the fire going by fanning the fire place.

We also ate our roasted sweet potaotes! They were very sweet and tasty!

For P.E grade 1 has started playing hand tennis (tenipin) and practicing their jumping ropes!

We have also continued to get ready for our Christmas show. The costumes are being finalised and our background for the set is making the Jurassic world come alive a bit more! I hope everyone is excited for the show!

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G1 / Grade 1 – Christmas show practice and sweet potato party!