
Gojo Elementary School


Grade 6: Give Peace a Chance

Hi, everyone! The weather has been getting cold again, hasn’t it? But Spring is just around the corner as well! 🌸

While learning about different peacemakers, the students got very interested in the life and work of John Lennon. We inquired into him through the viewpoint of his peacemaking activities, preparing a poster on his work and listening to two of his most famous songs about peace, “Imagine” and “Give Peace a Chance”. Did you know that the first instrument John Lennon ever played was a banjo? 🎸

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Mr. Igor was away, so Mr. Jord spent time with the class. The students had fun using Google’s fun Music Lab and composing a song about peace. This small project, along with our reflection activities, concluded the fifth Unit of Inquiry of the year. Our last Unit will start next week, with the topic being Technology. We are getting so close to graduating from Elementary school! 🎓

On Thursday, Grade 4 has generously extended us an invitation to their Big Variety Market. We all enjoyed the atmosphere they created and we sampled their beautiful cookies, yummy donuts and funny joked. Thank you, Grade 4, and thank you to everyone supporting us this week as well. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend! 🍪

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