
Gojo Elementary School


Grade 6: Technological Artists

Hello, everyone! We hope you had a lovely week and are planning an ever better weekend! ☀️

In Grade 6, we started inquiring into our new UOI this week, the topic being Technology and following the Central Idea of “Technology is an integral element in our lives”. We will look into different types of technology, their development and application, and also the effect technology has on our daily life. The students have already started discussing the topic, considering that technology has improved our lives so much that they can’t even imagine going to school or having fun in their free time without their computers and game consoles, let alone without cars, electricity or automated ticketing and vending machines. Students have noted potentially growing addicted to technology or it negatively impacting one’s memory as possible downsides. 🔌

On Wednesday, the students spent their morning with Grade 5 and Middle school students, working on an art assignment. They were tasked with looking into themselves and thinking of some of their great qualities and some they wished they had or are working hard on, and putting them into their self-designed video game character. We had a lot of fun painting and drawing, and it was very interesting to hear everyone present their work at the end of the day. Art is truly a great outlet for students to showcase their creative thinking and there certainly should be more time dedicated to during the school year. 🦸‍♂️

We are absolutely having an art-filled week, since we have also been preparing for the upcoming Music concert much harder recently. Please come and see all classes’ hard work on the 10th of March. Have a lovely weekend! 🍀

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G6 / Grade 6: Technological Artists