
Gojo Elementary School


Grades 3 and 4: Science 🧪

Hello, everyone! How was your week? Ours was super science-focused with preparing for our Science Fair and doing some fun science experiments.

Continuing with our Unit and following the first Line of Inquiry “Laws of science shape the world around us”. The students talked about what the laws of science were and what duties and skills does the scientists’ job entail. We discussed the importance of experiments and testing our hypotheses and, led by a student, our discussion touched upon density. On Thursday, we practised setting questions, listing equipment needed and thinking about our method and experiment results, by doing a fun and colorful density column experiment. Let’s do more fun and engaging experiments throughout the Unit.

On Friday, October 13th (the day before Sports Day), the students will prepare a small exhibition for their schoolmates, teachers and parents. They have excitedly formed teams and chose their topics already and will use the rest of the Unit to research about the topics of their interest and deciding the best ways to teach them to others. Their ideas will also inform the teachers’ planning, as we will mainly focus on the things they decided to learn about, and preparing for this event will also be valuable for next school year’s PYP exhibition. Please come and join if you can! 🔬

I would also like to use this opportunity to thank all the parents who have visited us on Wednesday and Thursday’s Open Campus Day. The students looked so happy to see their families join their lessons. A big thanks goes to the parents who supported the students’ efforts in tending to their own rice field as well. On Friday, the students weeded the field and next Wednesday, we will harvest the rice. Let’s make yummy mochi! Have a great extended weekend! 🍡

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G3 / Grades 3 and 4: Science 🧪