
Gojo Elementary School


Grades 3 and 4: Spookiness and handiness🎃

Hello, everyone! How has your week been? It has been getting colder, hasn’t it? Grades 3 and 4 are bracing the cold and have been continuing their inquiry into Applied arts, preparing for their Christmas performance, and contributing to the school garden preparations.

As part of our Unit of Inquiry, the students discussed the meaning of “applied arts” and shared examples. The students already seem very knowledgeable on the topic and have shown ability to distinguish between art made for visual appreciation and things like furniture, pottery and graphic design. The students read a book on the topic and designed their own covers for it, and worked in pairs on reading an article on a type of applied arts and preparing a poster on it. It is fun to learn together!

The students voted on their Christmas performance and we will present a fun and spooky version of “The Nightmare Before Christmas”. The students’ faces lit up when thinking of ideas for the show, but (through hard, hard work and dedication) we have managed to choose only one between no less than 84 ideas suggested! The students proceeded to divide into work groups: the scriptwriters, the costume designers, the set designers, and the sound&music team, and will work together with their groupmates on preparing the parts of our play they are most interested in. In the end, we will all practice our lines and deliver them on stage! 🎄

On Friday, it was time to work hard and help other students set up the school’s new garden patch. The students worked very had to make “lasagne” in the garden: setting up layers of newspapers, rice, fertilizer, soil and straw to feed the ground, and making pathways around the plant beds. Now the soil will eat and sleep through the winter, and in April will be ready for our younger gardeners to get their palms dirty and plant yummy vegetables. It wasn’t all hard work, though. At the end of the day, Grade 1 invited us to their Sweet Potato Party! All the students enjoyed a large piece of sweet potato and went home for the weekend with smiles on their faces! 🍠

Thank you for your support throughout everything! Have a lovely weekend and Happy Halloween! 🍂

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G3 / Grades 3 and 4: Spookiness and handiness🎃