
Gojo campus


Building a strong relationships with the community

Hello, everyone!

Today’s blog is about building strong relationships with the community. We first reviewed the previous lesson about etiquette and tried to connect it to our current lesson. Then, we did a spelling drill for unlocking of unfamiliar/difficult words (e.g. building, history, birth, family, children, bullying, abuse). We learned that whatever we do, whatever we think and wherever we are (either at home, park, school, shopping mall, etc.) we should observe proper etiquette to build positive relationships with other people.

To highlight this topic, we watched a video clip about bullying entitled, “Are you okay?” This is a story of a university student who experienced bullying in his school. His massive built, clumsy and slow personality made him more vulnerable. So, Raquelle, the main character of the story, displayed the learner profiles of being principled and caring when she helped Noah. She presented the case in the principal’s office for a necessary action expecting that it will be the best idea to help. Sad to say that her good intentions turned into a nightmare. She was caught reporting the bullying incident of Noah in the office so and many were angry that she was helping Noah. The bullies started to mess with her by sending her lots of harsh words especially on social media. But because of the support, love and care that she received from her parents she was able to stand the challenges in life. Because of a simple question from Raquelle, “Are you okay?” Noah sensed the hope and inspiration to continue his life because he knows he has a friend waiting for him in the school.

Nowadays, bullying is everywhere around the school. Being aware about it, it could be helpful to us to avoid being a victim of bullying and improve our behavior at the same time. We could also be an inspiration and a role model to others by being principled and caring.

Until next time, everyone. Thank you for reading our blog!

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