
Gojo campus


Cold Start! G6

Greetings and compliments of the New Year to you all! I hope that you had as good, and happy holidays as I did. I also hope that everyone is ready and fired up for 2024. This week has been a bit of a slow week, as we return to school, we also had a drop in the temperature which makes the feeling, ‘Holiday encore,’ even greater. We did, however, have a very nice first day back and we cleaned up our classrooms and made mochi with the help and support of the parents. The first week back also saw us focus on the final parts of unit 4.

The new year began with very cold temperatures but we had some extra cleaning to get to after last month’s Performance Day. Some of the stage props and costumes still needed to be tidied up and cleaned, but also the school would be done good with a nice, spring clean.

The afternoon was a bit more of a highlight as we made mochi. The students took turned pounding the mochi and getting it ready to be eaten as well. Oh, the poor mochi went through a lot to be delicious for us! The turn up, and support of the parents is always appreciated as they take precious time of their busy schedules to come for school activities.

This week, the grade 6 students also focused on the effects of music in our lives. An article on the effects of music in our lives, from the Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare, helped us a lot with this. We read and found some valuable and very interesting information on music, and how it affects us.

To end the week, the grade 6 class will look to close off unit 4 with some reflections, and we hope to have enough time to begin the new unit on Japanese History. Thank you for visiting once again, stay warm and have a nice weekend!

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