
Gojo campus


G1 – All the animals

Unit 6 is all about zoology! The central idea of this unit is that human activity can either protect or endangered animals. The first thing we did was share our knowledge about the different types of animals. Students made their own cards of many different animals. Then we used those cards to learn about animal classification. Grade 1 students worked together to organise the cards into different categories such as land, ocean and air animals as well as animals that are mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

They worked super well together helping and supporting each other. Students were being amazing communicators sharing their knowledge with their friends. After this activity students were more knowledgable about the classification of the different animals. We also discussed what about the animals helps us know which classification it belongs in. For example, mammals have belly buttons and don’t lay eggs.

We also had some exciting guests join us! We had next years new grade one’s come and join us for a fun lesson. We made playdough from scratch and then used that to create different animal shapes! Everyone had a lot of fun!

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