
Gojo campus


Grade 5 – Back to School🏫🎒🚸

Hello everyone🤗
Welcome back to school! 🏫 I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer vacation. ☀️

Grade 5 students have share many memories about their summer through our English video homework viewing. I was very impressed with the quality of everyone’s videos! They were all very detailed with many videos and pictures that I almost felt as if I experienced the same summer vacation together! Good job everyone! 📺

Students created an art piece that reflected their favourite summer memory. We used these art pieces to help us write an essay about ‘My summer vacation’. Students learnt that when structuring an essay we need to have an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. 📝

This week we have started unit 3. The transdiciplinary theme is ‘How we organise ourselve’, topic is ‘Geography’ and our central idea is ‘Learning about our land helps us understand why we live here’. First, we explored what they think we might learn this unit 3 by creating a mind map. After, the students realised they don’t quite know what geography is, so we researched using different resources to answer the question: What is geography? Students then made a poster in their groups to show the new knowledge they have gained. 🌋🌄

Since students understood more what geography is, we then came up with different questions relating to things students wanted to learn about and posted them up on the wonder wall! 🤔🎆

Have a great weekend and see you next week! 😊

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