
Gojo campus


Grade 5 – Ending the unit with a trip to Tokyo 🗼

Hello everyone! 

This week on Tuesday, grade 5 did some reflecting on unit 2, cleaned their lockers, and got organised for their stay over trip this week. 

We had a successful stay over trip! From Wednesday, we headed to our stay over trip to Tokyo! We all safely got together and got on the bus on time. When we got to Shinjuku, we swiftly made our way to Kidzania. Kidzania was an interesting place where students were able to experience different jobs in this world. Everyone got to experience a couple of jobs! 

After Kidzania, we went to Asakusa to visit Kaminarimon, Sensoji temple, and Nakamise street. We experienced Japanese historical culture and made our wishes. The students also bought souvenirs to bring home! After that, we had monjya yaki, okinomiyaki, yaki soba and ice cream for dinner. The students all got to make their own food which was very fun! 

After dinner, we got to our hotel and went straight into the bath to get ready to go to bed. Students played card games and twister until lights out and went to sleep. 

On day 2 we got up, had some breakfast and made our way to Miraikan. It is a museum filled with many scientific discoveries and learning experiences about where science in the future. It was very interactive and got the students thinking about how science can affect themselves and their futures. This was our last activity of the trip. 

After, we got some lunch and got on the bus to head back to Matsumoto. It was a very fulfilling 2 days and I am sure the students enjoyed their time! 

Have a great summer break and see you after summer program! 

TOP / 五常小学部 / G5 / Grade 5 – Ending the unit with a trip to Tokyo 🗼