
Gojo campus


Grade 5 – Job Experience, English Exchange and More!

Hello everyone!
We are on our last line of inquiry, how we feed ourselves, and as part of that, we visited and did a job experience at a baumkuchen shop in Matsumoto called Temariya. All students experienced cooking madeleines, cutting and packing baumkuchen, welcoming customers, and creating an English poster introducing all of the stores products. They were all important processes to understand how we may decide to buy and eat a food product from their store as costumers. The students all had a blast!

Students are now working on a creative poster about a chosen food product. They were required to research the ingredients in the food they chose and think as well as research about how we get those ingredients and where they come from. Students chose foods such as milk tea, hot dogs, pizza, etc. They all learnt new things when learning about the processes of where all our foods come from and how they are made.

This week we had an online English language exchange with Yasaka elemantary school. Both schools did a presentation to introduce their schools and themselves. After the presentations, we asked each other different questions about their presentations. It was a great experience to meet knew students from different schools and to share our English skills with them!

For PE, we went to the river with our dear friend, Mocha. They all jumped in and got wet! It was a perfect activity for a hot day! We also visited the farm and harvested some eggplants and chillis!

Next week, we have our stay over trip. The students can’t wait and are super duper excited about it!

Have a fantastic weekend and see you next week!

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