
Gojo campus


Grade 5: Sports Festival Preparation ⛹️

Sports day is an event when students, teachers, and parents come together to compete in sports. On this Saturday, the International School of Nagano (ISN) – Gojo Campus will hold its Sports Festival on the school grounds.

皆さん、こんにちは!今週のGrade 5の様子をお届けします!😊ここ、五常キャンパスでは、もうすぐSports Festivalが予定されています!

In preparation for the Sports Fest, Grade 5 and Grade 6 students practiced some of the events that they will perform at the Sports Fest. They are divided into groups and compete against one another to win. The students tried the obstacle course, which required them to run through a course filled with difficult obstacles. This event calls for several different physical movements, such as running, jumping, and even crawling at times.

Grade5/6の生徒が一緒に、Sports Festivalに向けて準備をしています。グループに分かれ、互いに競い合いながら勝ち進んでいきます。生徒たちは、難しい障害物がたくさんあるコースを走り抜ける障害物競走に挑戦しました。この種目では、走ったり、ジャンプしたり、時には這ったりと、いくつもの異なる身体運動が必要となります。

One of the Grade 5 students participating in the obstacle course.

The Sports Fest is an important day not only for students, but also for their parents, who will come to cheer on their children and take photos and videos of them.

生徒だけでなく、保護者の皆さんも楽しみにしてくれているSports Festival。当日が待ちきれません!

TOP / 五常小学部 / G5 / Grade 5: Sports Festival Preparation ⛹️