
Gojo campus


July 22nd – Elementary PYP Workshop for the parents

Hello, everyone. 

This past Friday, July 22, marked the first ISN Elementary PYP Workshop for parents.

As I’m sure we are all aware, one of the most important things in ISN’s curriculum and the way we see education is continuous communication between all members of the school community. We don’t think the students should strictly separate their school life and their family time, but that both their teachers and parents should be on “the same page”, education-wise.

Over the past few years, several activities have been organized by the school in order to deepen the mutual understanding between the teachers and parents, and we have recently decided to organize monthly meetings in which both sides could work together to understand the PYP better and continue our efforts towards fully open communication and collaboration. It was decided that these meetings will take place on every last Friday of the month. They are primarily aimed at ISN Elementary parents, but are also open to other members of the school community.

In Friday’s meeting, the focus was on introducing the basics of the PYP, explaining what the Learner Profile is and its role as the center of the PYP, guiding all other elements of learning, and sharing ideas on what parents can do at home to increase their children’s understanding of the Learner Profile attributes.

Some examples of how to develop Learner Profile attributes at home shared by the teachers were:
– Communicators: make your child explain visually or orally what their process of solving a problem is, rather than just giving you an answer
– Principled: play team games with children, encourage them to think as part of a team and embracing both winning and losing
– Open-Minded: encourage your child not to always eat the same food and watch the same movies, but to periodically try new things
– Thinkers: pose various problems to your child, e.g. how to arrange food on the shelf
– Inquirers: don’t help your child too soon, allow them time to search for the answer themselves
– Knowledgeable: when visiting aquariums and zoos, read the information boards and learn new things together
– Reflective: make goals together before starting new things, after an activity is completed, talk about how you did
– Balanced: find enough time to do various activities: sports, learning, art,…
– Risk-Takers: encourage your child to try things they are unsure about and remind them that failing is a positive thing
– Caring: don’t let your child’s kind word and actions go unnoticed; openly compliment them for it

After the teachers shared the results of their research, the parents worked in groups to think of their own ideas. This is when the Workshop really came to life and it was lovely to see everyone overcome some of their reservations, participate and share openly.

Here are some ideas shared by the parents:
– ask the child to make plans for family activities together
– follow the child’s ideas and things they want to do
– encourage the child to search for answers to their questions, rather than simply giving it to them

The next PYP Workshop for parents will take place on Friday, August 26th, at Gojo Campus, 16:00-17:00. An email will be sent to all the parents with detailed information and an RSVP request. Please join us if you are interested and have the time and absolutely don’t feel pressured if you’re not able to attend regularly, since each workshop will have a unique topic.

As for the past Workshop’s participants, thank you for putting your questions in our question box at the end of the Workshop. Here are our answers:
1. How can we support the child when their idea is a little difficult to do? What can the parents say if their ideas are impossible? 
Please don’t feel pressured to completely fulfill all of your child’s plans. Failing is a part of learning and if someone’s idea doesn’t succeed, they can reflect on what went wrong, reevaluate their way of thinking and succeed the next time, with a different plan. If the idea is unusual and even a little bit “crazy”, try it anyway. Discuss how it went with your child. If the idea is completely impossible, you can still share your child’s enthusiasm and compliment them on the creativity it took to come up with it.

Have a lovely week and see you all soon,
Igor Coric, PYP Coordinator assistant for Elementary
Atsuko Tanaka, Head teacher assistant

7月22日(金)、ISN小学部の保護者向けPYPワークショップの第一回目を行いました。 皆さんもご存知の通り、ISNのカリキュラムや教育観の中で最も重要なことのひとつは、スクールコミュニティー全員の継続的なコミュニケーションです。生徒が学校生活と家庭の時間を厳密に分けるのではなく、先生も保護者も、教育的には「同じページ」にいるということです。
ここ数年、教員と保護者の共通理解を深めるために、学校でいくつかの活動が行われてきました。今回から学校と保護者が一緒にPYP をより理解し、よりオープンなコミュニケーションと協力関係を築くための努力を続けていくために、毎月このようなミーティングを開催することにしました。保護者とのPYP workshop は毎月の最終金曜日に開催されることが決定しています。ISN 小学部の保護者様だけでなく、スクールコミュニティーのメンバーからのご参加も歓迎です。


  • コミュニケーションができる人:答えを与えるだけでなく、問題を解決への過程を視覚または言葉で説明するように問いかける。
  • 信念をもつ人:子供と一緒にチームゲームをし、チームの一員として考え、勝つことも負けることも受け入れるように励ます。
  • 心をひらく人:いつも同じものを食べたり、同じ映画を見たりするのではなく、定期的に新しいことに挑戦するよう、子どもを励ます。
  • 考える人:例えば、物を棚にどのように並べたらいいかなど、さまざまな身近な問題を子どもに投げかける。
  • 探究する人: すぐに手助けをせず、自分で答えを探す時間を与える。
  • 知識がある人:水族館や動物園に行ったら、案内板を読んで一緒に新しいことを学ぶ。
  • 振り返りができる人:新しいことを始める前に一緒に目標を立て、終わったら、どうだったか話し合う。
  • バランスのとれた人:スポーツ、学習、芸術など、さまざまな活動をするために十分な時間を確保する。
  • 挑戦する人: 子どもが不安なことに挑戦できるよう励まし、失敗することをポジティブにとらえられるようにサポートする。
  • 思いやりのある人:子どもの優しい言葉や行動を見逃さず、素直に褒める。

– 子供を中心に家族の休日の計画を立ててみる。
– 子供のアイデアややりたいことをやらせてみる。
– 子どもに答えを与えるのではなく、自分で答えを探すように促す。
– IB学習者像を家に貼って、子供と話し合うときに使っている。



  1. 子どものアイデアを実現するのがが少し難しい場合、どのようにサポートしたらよいですか?


小学部PYPコーディネーターアシスタント イゴル・チョリチ
小学部アシスタント 田中敦子

TOP / Gojo campus / July 22nd – Elementary PYP Workshop for the parents