
Gojo campus


Make Hay While The Sun Is Shining…

Greetings everyone

As the leaves of Autumn pass along back to the earth, the Middle School has been busy outside putting the finishing touches to their Gojo Garden.

It has been beautiful to watch as they finally got to realize what they had been talking about in the classroom manifested outside in nature.

We also took time to talk about the importance of our footprints and our personal legacy. Given the boys will be moving on next year from Gojo, part of their legacy will be this garden which they are bequeathing to the school and it’s well-being.

We also talked about hard work and how the effort we make now might not be apparent in the present or short term, however these efforts can come back to us in the future and “bear fruit”. If we think it is “cool” to be lazy for instance, this might be something that can actually be quite damaging to us in the future. Of course, this in young people this can be difficult to process, however it is worth repeating and encouraging good habits is often one of the best strategies we can follow through with, as well as adults leading by example.

It was also nice to see the other grades involved last week and the Middle School boys had the opportunity to share their knowledge and techniques in how the beds are prepared.

This week, we also celebrated Halloween and the boys duly delivered with various costumes and got to enjoy a movie and some spooky snacks. Well done everyone for bringing the Samhain glamour!

The movie was also watched for another reason. It will form the backdrop for our performance at this year’s performance day. We are now researching our show and more information will follow soon.

Hope you have a great week.


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