
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Clothes we wear-Meadow(November 22nd-26th)

私達が身に着けているもの  Meadowクラス 11月22日から26日より

Hello everyone,


How time flies and we have only remaining days to say goodbye to November. We ended this week reviewing our lesson about the clothes we wear. Our little ones, in no doubt, were able to say the vocabulary. They enjoyed our activity of matching the clothes to wear depending on the weather. We dressed up the picture of a girl on the wall and asked them, “It’s cold and snowy outside, what do you think she needs to wear?” They all raised their hands and chose the appropriate clothing saying, “Put on your gloves, hat, scarf, jacket!” They enjoyed the activity.


Distinguishing Long and short objects


Our little learners enjoyed our activity of distinguishing long and short objects. We prepared a picture of objects and asked them to circle which one is short and which one is long. After that, taught them to repeat and say the appropriate phrase for the picture like, “It’s a long pencil!” ! Well done Meadow!

子供達は長短のものを区別する練習を楽しんで行いました。それぞれの長短の絵が描かれたものを用意し、どれが短くてどれが長いか丸で囲むように言いました。その後、繰り返言うように教え、 “It’s a long pencil!” ! のように絵を表す適切な文章を言ったりしました。Meadowクラスのお友達、良く出来たね!

Christmas Show dance practice”


We explained to our little ones about the Christmas show. We have started our dance practice and they are excited to perform in front of their parents. We showed the video of our dance and then we practiced the steps together. Our little ones love dancing and they look cute moving and shaking their bodies.


Fun day at the park


It was a nice day and our kids were so excited getting on the bus to the park. We love park day since children express themselves freely, get along with their peers, and learn socialization. They enjoyed racing with friends and took turns on slides and the playground springer. Some kids collected the dried fallen leaves and played throwing them up high. We went back to school tired and hungry.


Happy Birthday to you!”


We celebrated the birthday of two of our kids. Before we ended the day, everybody sang a “Happy birthday song” clapping our hands together. Then the teacher handed them their birthday card present. They both looked happy and had sweet smiles. We look forward to your growth. Have a wonderful birthday!

みんなで11月生まれの二人のお友達のお祝いをしました。一日の終わりの前にみんなで 一緒に手を叩きながら”Happy birthday song”を歌いました。先生が二人に誕生日カードを手渡しました。二人とも嬉しそうで素敵な笑顔をしていました。二人の成長を楽しみにしています。素晴らしい誕生を過ごしてね!

Thank you for reading our blog. Keep warm and have a nice weekend!



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