
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“Practice Makes Perfect” Aurora- November 22-26


Here’s what we have done for this week.

👉 Unit of Inquiry

Since our next big event which is the Christmas Show will be coming soon, Aurora class does a regularly practice during our UOI. Milky Way class invited us to come and became their audience during their practice. It was a great experience for us to observe how they did their practice. After their practice we gave them our good comments and we praised them for using their big voices and big actions. We applied in our practices what we’d learned from them and we got better and better in delivering our lines, dancing, singing as well as entering and exiting. Thank you Milky Way for having us in your practice.

👉 Park

Yes, we had so much fun playing in the park. Our social skills have improved as we get along with others. We display good manners and healthier interactions, we try to communicate effectively with others, and we are being considerate of the feelings of others. We understand that using kind words in communication is very important.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / “Practice Makes Perfect” Aurora- November 22-26