
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


"Let's Move!"(Meadow-November 15th-19th)

体を動かそう! Meadowクラスの11月15日から19日より

Hello everyone,


Encouraging children to spend more time in the outdoors helps them improve their emotional, intellectual, health, and of course their physical development. This week, we had so much fun under the sun. We went to the park on foot and on the other day, we also went by bus. They enjoyed running, walking, and climbing up and down the slide. They become more confident in their capabilities. Some of the kids also enjoyed picking up and playing stones with their peers. They had positive interactions with each other. On other days we were exposed to the school’s ground, played hide-and-seek, ran, and used their creativity drawing on the concrete.

子供達に戸外でより多くの時間過ごすように促すことは感情、知力、健康そしてもちろん心身の発達に役立ちます。今週天気にも恵まれ屋外で楽しい時間を過ごしました。先日は徒歩でまた別の日にはバスで 公園へ行きました。みんな走ったり、歩いたり、滑り台の階段を歩いて上がり滑って楽しみました。子供達はできることにより自信が感じられました。お友達と石を拾い遊ぶ子供達もいました。子供達同志、積極的な関わりを持って遊んでいました。別の日は園庭で、かくれんぼ、かけっこ、地面に豊かな想像力を用いて絵を描きました。

Craft Day- We made gloves

工作の日  手袋を作りました

Our little ones listened to the teacher’s instructions before making their craft. Teachers cut gloves shapes and asked students to decorate them using different shapes. They enjoyed sticking them on while saying names of shapes and their colors. Good Job, Meadow!


Gym Day


We kept our bodies warm by stretching and moving a lot on our Gym day. Physical activity boosts children’s well-being, being active in the class. After hours of moving, they get relaxed and sleep well.


Thank you for reading our blog. Have a wonderful weekend.



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