
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“We Strive To Be Balanced”


Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness to Aurora class. This week our class has enjoyed the atmosphere of this season which made our learning environment more bright and meaningful.

11月の太陽のもと、芝生の上の落ち葉がオーロラクラスをもっとハッピーにしてくれます。今週は、 学びの環境を輝かしくまた意味のあるものにしてくれている、この秋の季節を満喫しました。

👉 Unit of Inquiry

We’re working on the second line of inquiry which is, Ways to communicate with others. We put more emphasis on trying to be balanced as part of our learner profile. During our practices, we’ve shown a Balanced attitude by being quiet when other students are delivering their lines and singing their song. Whether we play inside or outside the class, we tried being Balanced by cultivating the spirit of sharing and being nice to others. Also, as part of our inquiry, we learned to communicate with our gestures. Aurora class was asked to give some kind words and hurt words that we learned last week (please, excuse me, thank you, I’m not gonna play with you, go away, etc.) and picked out a picture that described it. Then after that, we encouraged students to use kind words, not hurt words. Aurora class is trying to remember to use kind words when communicating with others.

今週2番目のLOIとなります、” Ways to communicate with others”をベースに、IB学習者像の1つであります”Balanced(バランスの取れる人)” を目指すことにフォーカスしました。クリスマスshowの練習では、他のお友達がセリフを言う時には、静かに待つことで”バランスの取れる人”を目指しました。クラス内外でもシェアーをすることや、お友達に優しくすることという精神を持ちバランスの取れた人になることを心がけています。また、LOIの一つでもあるように、ジェスチャーでコミュニケーションをとることも学んでいます。先週学びました、優しい言葉/傷つける言葉( please, excuse me, thank you, I’m not gonna play with you, go away, )の1つを先生が選び、子どもたちはその言葉に合うジェスチャーの写真を選ぶというゲームを行いました。このゲームの後、子どもたちに、傷つける言葉ではなく、優しい言葉をもっと使うように促しました。さすがオーロラさん、お友達との会話では優しい言葉を使うように気を付けている姿が見られました!

We’ve started practicing for our Christmas Show performance and we tried to put emotions in our lines. We are excited for this big event.


👉 Earthquake Drill

We had earthquake drill this week. We remember the three very important things when real earthquake occurs-Cover, Drop, and Hold. We evacuated safely and quietly to the car park area. Yes, we followed the rules to be able to do it.

今週は、地震の避難訓練を行いました。本当に地震が起きたときに従うべき3つのルール Cover, Drop, Hold について全園児集まり確認をしました。 全員無事に駐車場へ静かに避難できました。

👉 Music Class

We have been learning to play the piano with our thumb for “do” and our index finger for “re”. We learned to play with the right tempo. Aurora class could unpack and pack up their Pianica by themselves.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone.良い週末をお過ごしください!

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