
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Farm animals we like(Meadow- August 2-6)


Hello everyone,


As we welcome the new month, we have prepared lots of new learnings and activities for our little learners. We have started the week introducing our our new topic about the “Farm Animals.” We introduced the first set of animals we learned this we. They are cow, sheep, horse, chicken, pig, duck, We have watched the video and sang the song “Old McDonald had a Farm”. Our learners enjoyed singing the song and learned their sounds too.

新しい月を迎え、子供達に新しい学びや活動を用意しました。「牧場の動物達]についての新しい内容を紹介し始めました。最初に学ぶ動物達を紹介しました。牛、馬、鶏、豚、アヒルです。ビデオを見て “Old McDonald had a Farm” の歌を歌いました。子供達は楽しく歌い、動物達の鳴き声も学びました。

We did the activity spreading the flashcards on floor and asked each student their favourite animal saying “I like”. . . cow, sheep, horse and etc. We also did the matching worksheet. They matched the animals on the left side by drawing the line to the animals on the right side. They listened carefully to the teacher’s instruction before they started doing the activity.

私達は床にフラッシュカードを広げる学びをして一人ずつお気に入りの動物が何かを聞きました。みんな “I like”. . . cow, sheep, horse のように言いました。 また同じものを合わせるワークシートを行いました。左側の動物達を右側の動物達に線を引いて合わせました。始める前に、先生の説明をしっかり聞きました。

We enjoyed tracing lines


From this month, we started the activity of tracing lines. Tracing is beneficial because it helps build fine motor skills, creativity and drawing skills. It also helps build strength and coordination between the children’s hands and wrists. The more they practice, the better they become at grasping the writing objects and controlling movements.


Gold Medal


At last we were able to finish making our Gold Medal Craft. Everyone enjoyed painting the paper plate with Gold color and decorated them with the Olympic symbol of five rings with different color. They feel they are achievers when they put them around their neck. Well done. Meadow😊

ついに金メダルの工作を終えることが出来ました。みんな紙皿に金色に色付けしたりオリンピックのシンボルである異なった色の5つの輪で飾りつけをしました。首にかけた時、勝者の気分です。頑張ったね Meadow😊

We had a wonderful week full of fun learning and activities.


Thank you for reading our blog.


Have a safe and a wonderful holiday.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Farm animals we like(Meadow- August 2-6)