
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Under the Sea(Meadow-July 5-9)

海の中  Meadowクラスの7月5日から9日より

Hello everyone,


We have started our new lesson about “ THE SEA ANIMALS”. We have decorated our classroom with sea animals hanging on the ceiling and hung with blue tapes which resembles the sea. The kids enjoy looking at those sea animals, naming each of them every time they lookup. Also, we posted a big sea picture on the wall for our activity. This also gives our little learners the idea how under the sea looks like.

海の生き物たちについて新しい学習をスタートしました。教室を天井からつるした海の生き物たちで、海に似せた青いテープで 飾り付けました。子供達はこれらの海の生き物たちを見るのを楽しんでおり、見上げる度にそれらの名前を言っています。壁には学習用に大きな海の絵を貼りました。これはまた子供達に水中がどのように見えるのかという様子を伝えています。

We introduced the song “ Down in the Deep Blue Sea” by watching first the video. Then we sang together sticking the sea animals which were mentioned in the song on our activity wall.

映像を見せて“ Down in the Deep Blue Sea” という歌を紹介しました。その後壁に貼って 学習用の 絵に歌の中に出てきた海の生き物たちを貼りながら歌いました。

🦐Fishing Game 


It’s fun to learn while playing. First, we introduced the names of sea animals and we started our “ Fishing game activity”. We spread the sea animal flashcards on the floor and asked students to catch the fish they like. After they caught the fish, they were able to name them in front of their friends. “ shark, octopus, whale, fish, crab, jellyfish and etc.”


⏹️Baby Shark🦈


In one of our songs of this month, “ The baby shark ”, we danced to the music. We pretended to be sharks and our little learners helped us making their own shark’s hats. They loved their hats and put them on while we were playing the music, and we danced together.

今月歌っている曲の一つ ” The baby shark ” ですが、みんな曲に合わせてダンスをしました。サメの真似をして子供達はサメのお面を作りました。みんな、このお面が気に入り、曲が流れている間被り一緒に踊りました。

⏹️Walking outside the campus


Because of this rainy season, there isn’t always a lot of opportunities to go outside. However, we were lucky enough to have even just a short time to see the sun coming out and we took advantage to go and had a walk outside. Look! Our little learners walked nicely, grabbing the rope tightly. It was so refreshing breathing the air outside and being exposed to nature.


⏹️Indoor Activity on rainy days


We played the music ” The wheels on the bus go round and round” while holding the hoops and pretended to be the bus drivers. Then, we put down all the hoops on the floor. The kids jumped on it and walked on the blocks balancing their bodies not to fall down. We also practiced the race for the Sports Day. They all did running so fast. Good job, Meadow!

私達はフープを持ちバスの運転手になりきり ” The wheels on the bus go round and round” の歌で遊びました。その後床に全てのフープを置きました。子供達はその中をジャンプしたり、体が倒れないようにバランスを取りながら平均台の上を歩きました。また、運動会のかけっこの練習もしました。みんなとても速く走りました。頑張ったね、Meadowクラスのお友達!

⏹️Music lesson


We had another fun music class this week. Our youngsters mostly enjoyed the song “Under the spreading chestnut tree”. They love singing the song over and over again and enjoyed as the beat was getting faster.

今週、もう一つの活動、音楽のレッスンを受けました。子供達は “Under the spreading chestnut tree” の歌をとても楽しんでいました。繰り返し歌うことが大好きで徐々に速めて歌いながら楽しんでいました。

⏹️Learning alphabets


This week’s alphabets are I-K


We introduce 2 alphabets every 2 days. As usual, we introduce the alphabet first, then let the children repeat it twice after the teacher. After that, we had the activity of recognizing alphabets. We spread the cards on the floor and students picked them up when the teacher asked for the letter.


⏹️Let’s Share


We ended our week learning about good values. We read the book about sharing and demonstrated to the children how it feels when you share toys with friends and how it feels when you don’t share. They all paid attention to the teacher who was talking in front of them. Thanks for listening Meadow.

大事な事を学び今週を締めくくりました。一緒に使う内容の本を読み、お友達とおもちゃを一緒に使う時、またそうでない時にどのように感じるのかを子供達に実演して見せました。みんな子供達の前で話す先生を注目していました。 Meadowクラスのお友達 、みんな良くお話を聞けました。

Thank you for reading and have a nice weekend.


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