
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Happy Parachute! (Shooting Star June 21-25)

Shooting star had another fantastic week!

The highlight of this week was the parachute practice for the Sports Festival. It was their first time to try it, but they aced the activity and at the same time had fun moving around.
もうすぐ6月も終わりますが、9月に予定しているスポーツフェスティバルにむけて練習を始めました!初めて挑戦するパラシュートですが、とっても上手にでき、ジムの先生はとてもびっくりしていました👏 先生の指示をしっかり聞き、理解できている証拠ですね!!さすがSSさん!スポフェスが楽しみです♪

For Phonics, the students tried to dig deeper and get to know letters more; as word scientists, they needed to dissect and study letters more like: “a and o” have holes in them, “d and b” have holes, too but in a different direction, Ss are curvy while M and W are pointy, etc. It has been a challenging activity for them, but they gave their best to finish the activity. We will practice more in the future until we become pros in being word scientists!
フォニックスでは引き続きワードサイエンティストになりました🔍レターをもっと深く探るため色々な形のレターを見てみました。a & oなどのレターは「穴」があり、d & bなどはも「穴」がありますが、違った方向にあり、Sはカーブがありますが、MやWはとがっているという色々な形の違いを学びました。このレッスンは少しチャレンジングでしたが、これからもっと練習をして立派なワードサイエンティストになれるよう頑張ります💪

This week, we read another book: “Go in” The whole class enjoyed reading different insects that go in a certain place. To sharpen their comprehension more, we had them draw animals or insects that go in a certain place: some drew dogs that go in their houses, and some copied from the pages of the book. Reading is one of the favorite activities of the whole class, we look forward to the time where they can ready by themselves already.
今週のリーディングは”Go in”の本を読みました。この本は虫さんたちが色々なところに「入る」という本です。子ども達の理解を深めるために本の最後に自分たちなりの「Go in」を描いてみました。犬がお家に入る、蝶々が窓に入る等色々な絵が見られました👍本で読んだシーンを思い出してそれを描いている子もいました📚リーディングはみんなの大好きなアクティビティの一つなので、お家でも本を指でなぞりながら一緒に読んでみてください!

We still are practicing counting and writing numbers in Math. 🧮 The students were given a number chart this week as their reference when practicing writing numbers, it will help them to review and be familiarized with how numbers are written.

We have finally finished the first unit for this year: Who We Are. We focused on how family works and affects us. To see how they grasp the lesson of the unit, we are doing an interview, asking them: Are all families alike? Most of them answered: No, cause some families only have moms, some only have dads, and some have more members of the family. Also, we are asking if Family Bonding is important, most of them answered YES!, because if we don’t have family bonding, we get sick easily, angry and sad! Their answers show that they have a clear understanding of the unit!

This week, we had the students watched the videos that we recorded for the open school day; the kids loved them and they filled the whole room with laughter. They were really elated for being able to accomplish something that makes their parents and teachers happy. Truly another milestone for the Shooting Star class!

Have a good weekend, everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Happy Parachute! (Shooting Star June 21-25)