
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Family Bonding is Important! (Shooting Star – 5/31 – 6/3)

Shooting star class had a new experience this week, learning through a PowerPoint Presentation. For UOI, we tackled why FAMILY BONDING is IMPORTANT, it is quite a challenging topic to discuss using pictures only, so we used the power of technology to make the lesson easy to understand. We made the photos animated, put some effects on some of them thus made the lesson interesting. It was a very effective way to catch the attention of the students and have them engaged all throughout the discussion.
今週のSSさんは、いつもとは少し違ったUOIレッスンをしました。プレゼンテーションを使ったレッスンで、引き続き「家族の絆の大切さ」について学びました。いつもの写真(フラッシュカード)を使ったレッスンよりも、動きがあり、より効果的に生徒たちの興味を引くことができます。SSさんはFamily Bondingがなぜ大切なのかを理解することができたようで、良かったです😉

During the discussion, we compared families that have family bonding to those that don’t. We learned that a family that bonds together is happier and healthier and those families that do not have bonding are more stressed and sad.

Also, we used a PowerPoint presentation to discuss how is our summative assessment is going to be done. We reviewed the whole unit first and studied the process of the final task step by step.
パワーポイントプレゼンテーションでは、Unit1を締めくくる「サマティブアセスメント」について生徒たちに説明しました。まずはUnit1でやってきた事を復習し、これからやるprojectについてやることをStep by stepで説明しました。みんな大きなスクリーンが好きなようで、しっかりと先生のお話を聞いてくれました!今回の最終アセスメントは紙袋で人形を作り家族のrole playをします。グループでのディスカッションが、どれくらいできるかを確認する良い機会でもあります。どのような結果になるのか、今から楽しみです🥰

Our class was happy to be back at the gym! Shooting star had their P.E lesson this week! It has been a while since the last time we stretched our muscles and move so everyone was happy and excited! We reviewed our previous lessons and enjoyed running around the gym and exercising. We all can’t wait for our next Physical Education Class.

Writing – We practiced writing the letters Ii and Jj, although we wrote two letters in one meeting, everybody had fun and had a good time.
ライティングではIi とJjを練習しました。SSさんはノートの線にそってSmall,tall,hanging letterを上手に書くことができるようになっています👍

Phonics – We practiced being word scientists: We tried to solve problems, observe words and letters, and answered several questions to solve the mystery. We will practice more in the future and be one of the bests word scientists in the world! 🙂

It has been another fun week for shooting star class! We are excited to learn more and experience more things that are new to us!

See you all on the next blog! Have a good weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Family Bonding is Important! (Shooting Star – 5/31 – 6/3)