
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


A beginning of a new journey (SS April 6 – 9)

This week has been a happy start for the new Shooting Star students!

On Tuesday, they first met their new teacher, Ms. Richine. During the morning routine, the Shooting Star students were asked to introduce themselves by saying their names and what food they like. It has been a fun time for everyone because we were able to know each other better.
SSのみんなは火曜日に初めてShooting Starのクラスルームに入り、新しいホームルームティーチャーのリチン先生と会いました! 朝の会ではリチン先生にみんなのことを知ってもらうために自己紹介の時間を作りました。みんな自分の名前と自分の好きな食べ物を紹介しました!とっても楽しい朝の会でした😍

Some new songs were introduced to them as well like: Jump out word song, Weekly song, The weather song. All the songs make them excited and happy. 
そしてSSクラスではAuroraで聴きなれた音楽以外にも、新しいMusicも紹介しました!みんな嬉しそうに聞き入り、2回目からは口ずさんで歌えるようになった子ども達もいました😉中でもJump Out Wordという曲は、みんなのお気に入りのようで、ノリノリでダンスしながら歌いました♪

Also on the first day, we went to the park close to the school. It was such a fun day! 

On the second day, we talked about the classroom rules. We started off by reviewing what rules they had in their previous class and then made some new rules that they will have to follow from now on. 

After talking about the classroom rules, we did some writing activities. We reviewed the 3 types of letters:  tall letters, small letters, and hanging letters. They were asked to trace letters From A to Z, as they identify which letters are tall, small, and hanging. We all look forward to doing more writing activities from now on. 

On the third day, we all practiced walking to Nanbu Park. But to ensure the safety of each student, we made sure that they all know the rules. So we introduced the Shooting Star Walking Rules: S.S.G.E which means: Walk in the SIDE, Walk in a STRAIGHT LINE, Walk with NO GAPS and always walk with your EYES in FRONT. They did a great job walking to the park, even when climbing the footbridge, they were perfect! 

After nap time, we did another fun activity. On the paper where our classroom rules are written, we made stamps using our thumb marks. We dipped our thumb on the watercolors that Ms. Taeko prepared and stamped on the paper! We all agreed on the rules by saying YES to each item. We are putting our hopes high that all of them will leave up to their promise. 

On the final day of the first week. We had the kids do a craft. They molded clay and shaped it to whatever shape they want to. It was a practice for them for future craft activities. The kids loved the activity so much. 
今週最後の日にはクラフトアクティビティで「粘土」をしました!指や手を上手に使って粘土をこねて、匂いをかんだり、粘土について色々探求しました👀 どうやってこねたら柔らかくなって、どうしたら色々な形になるのかを一生懸命考えて粘土で遊びました!最後には自分の好きなものを作ってみんなに見せることもしました!SSさん、上出来ですね👏

We ended the week with a bit of reflection. We went back to what happened this whole week and asked them which of them was memorable and which was their favorite one. 

 It has been a good start for Shooting star students. We’d be more than happy to welcome you to traverse this path with us! 

See you on the next blog! Have a wonderful weekend! 

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / A beginning of a new journey (SS April 6 – 9)