
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“A Week Of Fun-Filled Activities” Meadow- March  1-5

「楽しい活動がたくさんの週」 Meadowクラスの3月1日から5日より

Hello Everyone,


Meadow class has lots of fun-filled activities this week like walking to the park where we have wide room to run and play. With as little as twenty minutes of sun exposure, our bodies can create all of the Vitamin D needed for the day, which is used to support our immune systems, regulate our sleep cycles, and strengthen our bones. We have so much fun in all our outdoor activities with lots of exploration over new things around us.


The days are getting longer, and beginning to feel a little warmer and even the daffodils are emerging; spring is in the air. Another fun-filled activity of Meadow Class this week was making Finger Print Spring Blossom Tree. We dipped our finger into the paint and created prints all over the tree. We have free-reign to interpret a blossom tree however we envision it.


Our Gym class was full of running, jumping, chasing and stretching exercises. We worked on our splits and animal walk which filled the huge gym with so much giggles and laughter. These physical activities help us to increase our self-confidence and self-esteem which reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and most importantly, they are beneficial for us to perform better in the classroom and life in general. 


For this month, we have been learning about Zoo Animals like, elephant 🐘, kangaroo 🦘, monkey 🐒, penguin 🐧, zebra 🦓, alligator 🐊, panda 🐼, tiger 🐅, giraffe 🦒, etc. Our favorite song for this theme is, Let’s Go To The Zoo. We love stomping like an elephant, jumping like a kangaroo, swinging like a monkey. We have so much fun every time we sing it. And we found a very interesting book about animals which is, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

今月は動物園に暮らすゾウ、カンガルー、ペンギン、シマウマ、ワニ、パンダ、トラ、キリンなどについて学んでいます。このテーマのみんなのお気に入りの歌は “Let’s Go To The Zoo. “です。子供達はゾウのように足を踏み鳴らし、カンガルーのようにジャンプし、サルのように木にぶら下がる動作をして楽しんでいます。みんな歌うときはいつも、とても楽しんでいます。動物に関するとても興味深い本があります。それは “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? “ という本です。

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


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