
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rock Investigation (Milky Way)

This week we continued our UOI lesson about Natural Resources. After learning about Fossil Fuels, we then proceeded to our next topic, which is Soil. We learned in class that soil has a lot of uses. Plants get nutrients and minerals from the soil. We also used them to build things and structures. In class, we also found out that there are a lot of natural materials that can be found in soil, including rocks, minerals, and metals. These materials can be transformed into different things that we can use in our daily living. The Milky Way kids became fascinated with rocks, so we went to the nearby shrine and look for interesting stones, pebbles, and rocks. Then, we had a rock investigation activity where we recorded what we have observed about the rocks that we have collected. We also made a poster for our UOI wall, which shows all the things that we have learned about Soil.

今週も天然素材について探求を続けるミルキーさん達。化石燃料に続き、今週は土壌について学びました。植物は土から栄養やミネラルを吸収して育っていることや、物や建物を作ることにも土が使われていることなど、 土壌には色々な使い道があることがわかりました。 また、土壌の中には石、ミネラル(鉱物)、金属などが含まれることもあり、それらが私たちが日常的に使うものに変化していることも知りました。ミルキーウェイのみんなは宝物が入っている(かもしれない)石に興味がわいてきました!そこで、近所の山へお散歩に行き、自分たちのお気に入りの石を拾ってきました。虫眼鏡を使ってその石をじっくりと観察し、どんな形、色、特徴があるのかなどを用紙に記録しました。まるで小さな科学者のようです!土壌から学んだことをみんなで絵に描いて、ポスターにまとめました。

Our craft activity this week is related to the event that will happen this Sunday. This week, the Milky Way kids made Valentine Cards for their loved ones. The students wrote sweet messages and they also designed the card using different materials. They were all so creative and they really made an effort to make their work nice and beautiful. We hope that you’ll like this little gift made with love.


Thank you for reading our blog! Enjoy the weekend!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Rock Investigation (Milky Way)