
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Reading and Writing Milestones (Aurora Jan. 12-15)

This week, Aurora students started taking another new milestones in class which are reading CVC words and writing their names!


Since we finished learning about the names and sounds of the alphabet, Aurora is now beginning to read words. We say the sound of each letter and put them together to form a word. Examples are (c- a- t) cat, hat, bat, pat, van, man, pan, and fan. Pictures of those also helped them to remember the words.

アルファベット全ての読み方、発音などを終えたので、次のステップは単語を読むことになります。まずは単語のアルファベット一文字一文字を発音します。例えばcatなら、cの発音-aの発音-tの発音を練習します。その後に全部を一緒に読むと、単語の発音ができます。オーロラさんはみんなとっても上手にアルファベットの発音ができるので、すぐに単語を読むことができました👏 今週はcat, hat, pat, bat, ban, fan, man, panの練習をしました🎵🔊

We’ve been doing more writing practices now and the new one is tracing their names. First they have to trace their names following the number and arrow guides of each letter and at the end they have to try writing it by themselves.


In UOI lesson, we had the introduction of Unit 4: Sharing the Planet with the Central Idea: We live with animals and we help each other., and Lines of Inquiry are 1. We share the world with animals., 2. We help animals., and 3. Animals help us. They learned that people and animals are living together and sharing with the same planet which is earth. We also unlocked the new word HABITAT which means a place where animals live and a place which provides the needs of animals, like food, water, and home, to survive. Examples of habitats are farm, desert, ocean/water, land, and land & water.

IBも新しいユニットが始まりました!テーマは「私たちは地球を共有する」で、セントラルアイディアが「人間と動物は地球に共存し、助け合う」です。そしてLOI1「私たちは動物と世界を共有する」LOI2「私たちは動物を助ける」LOI3「動物は私たちを助ける」です。まずはLOI1からです。動物はみんなどこに住んでいるのかを学びました。動物の住処をLand, Land & Ocean, Farm, Ocean, Desertの5種類に区分して、それぞれにどんな動物が住んでるのかを学んでいきます。それぞれの動物はどんな食べ物を食べて生きているのかなど、その他色々話し合い探求していこうと思います!

We focused on the farm animals. The animals that live in the farm are pig, chicken, horse, goat, duck, goose, and donkey. We watched some videos of farm animals and discovered what they eat to survive. Lastly, they were able to choose which animals live in the farm and posted them on the farm poster. We’ll talk about more animals next week.


That’s it. Thank you for reading our blog. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


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