
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“Wonderful Memories In Fall” Meadow- November 24-27

Hello Everyone!

「秋の素晴らしい思い出」 Meadowクラスの24日から27日より

In this week, we celebrated the birthday of Meadow celebrants in our class. We gladly sang the Happy Birthday song. Each celebrant stood up in front of the class with a birthday hat and got the birthday card from the teachers. Each of them was proud saying, I’m three years old. Happy 3rd birthday! May you have a wonderful year in Meadow.

今週、Meadowクラスで11月の誕生日のお友達のお祝いをしました。みんな喜んでHappy Birthdayの歌を歌いました。誕生月の子供達は前に立ち、先生から誕生日カードを受け取りました。一人一人自信を持って I’m three years old.と言えました。3歳のお誕生日おめでとう! Meadowクラスで素敵な時間を過ごしてね。

We made an autumn craft which everyone enjoyed. We decorated the hedgehog with colorful autumn leaves. We chose the color of leaves and decided how we would want to stick them on the hedgehog. This craft gave us the opportunity to talk more about colors. It looks wonderful with an eye and a nose. Well done 👍!


We went for a walk around the neighborhood. It’s fun and interesting because we become aware of the things around us, we greet people we meet along the way and we enjoy our free conversation and singing while walking. It makes us feel good.


We have mastered singing the ABC song and we can recognize the first letter of our name. Awesome 👏👏👏

子供達はABC songを全部覚え、自分たちの名前の最初の文字も分かるようになっています。すごいね。Meadowクラスのお友達。

Have a safe weekend everyone!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / “Wonderful Memories In Fall” Meadow- November 24-27