
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


A Day at Azumino Alps Park (Milky Way)

This is one exciting week for the Milky Way class!

In UOI, we have started learning about celebrations that are common in different countries and cultures. This week we focused on the New Year celebration. We learned that even though people have the same purpose in celebrating the New Year, and that is to recognize the beginning of the year, people from different countries have various ways of celebrating this special event. We learned the different traditions of people around the world every New Year and, it is interesting to know their unique customs. We also made our New Year themed craft, where we included some of the symbols that we see during this celebration.



We also had an exciting day last Thursday when we had our bus trip to Azumino Alps Park. It was a cool and cloudy day when we went there. The students made some crafts with the help of the park staff and, they were wooden keychains! Their craft all turned out great since they are very creative students.


We also had a chance to explore the park. Some of the park staff explained to us the plants and nature things we found there. We also saw bugs, frogs, and even monkeys! They were so cute and cuddly, but, we can only look from afar. We also had time to play at the Marshmallow Dome. The domes were so bouncy and, we definitely enjoyed our time there. After that was one of our favorite parts of the bus trip, which is lunchtime! The students all enjoyed the bento boxes prepared for them. We ate by the field of cosmos and under the clear blue skies. It was a perfect lunch!


We spent the rest of the day playing near our lunch area and exploring the place. We were there the whole day but it felt like time flew past. Which probably means we have really enjoyed our stay there. It was a perfect day and, hopefully, we will get to experience more of these.


Thank you for reading our blog. Until next time!


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