
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Celebrations! (Milky Way)

New season, new month, new unit! This week we started our 3rd unit, which is entitled Celebrations. In this unit, we will talk about the features of celebrations, as well as the similarities and differences of celebrations in various cultures. Sounds like a fun unit, and the Milky Way kids are all so excited to learn more about this new unit. We began the unit with a provocation, where the students had a chance to look at three celebrations-themed stations. They were able to guess the theme of each station, and they were also able to write down their initial ideas about the concept of celebration.

新しい季節、新しい月、新しいユニットがスタートしました!今週からユニット3 「Cerebrations(お祝い)」に関する探究を始めました。このユニットでは、「お祝い」の特徴について話し合ったり、色々な文化のお祝いを知って違いや同じところを発見します。楽しみなユニットが始まることにミルキーウェイのみんなはとてもわくわくしています。初めてのレッスンでは3つの異なるお祝いを表すテーブルを用意し、そのテーブルを見て何のお祝いをテーマにしているのかを考えました。それぞれの「お祝い」に対する自分たちのイメージをグループで書き出しました。

In Math, we are learning about the basic concept of addition. The student made a craft that helps them understand base ten and adding numbers together. They are still applying some of the teamwork strategies that we learned in our last unit in accomplishing the tasks in Math.


This week we also visited our friends from Grade 1. They had a Science Fair as a summative assessment for their unit on Natural Forces. We asked some questions about their experiments, and we learned a lot from them. Their projects looked so fun, and we want to do them as well!


Thank you all for reading our blog! See you again next week!


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