
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Recycling! (Aurora Aug. 31-Sept. 4)


RECYCLING turns things into other things which is like MAGIC!

This week our UOI lesson is about RECYCLE which means to sort garbage properly and later the sorted garbage can turn into something new like magic! What are the recyclable materials? We can recycle plastic bottles, glass jars and bottles, papers, and cans.


We watched a video about recycle and we learned that we should clean up our trash properly. We should not put all of them together in one bin. We should separate the recyclables from trash.


Aurora had our first rehearsal for the upcoming Sportsfest. We practiced how to move at gym during the program. We have been practicing also at school for their dance performance and running race. We always remind them to dance with big actions/movements and smile during the performance. For the running race, we remind them to say “I’m here!” with their loudest voice, listen to the signal of the teacher, and run as fast as they can.

ダンスは大きな声で歌いながら大きな動きでダンスするように練習しています。そしてかけっこは、名前を呼ばれたら大きな声で「I’m Here!」と言う練習もしています。そして腕をしっかり振って全力でゴールまで走ることも練習しています😉


In phonics, our focus this week is the letter R as in rainbow, ring, rose, rabbit, and rat. They traced the uppercase R by following the dotted lines in their papers.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Thank you!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Recycling! (Aurora Aug. 31-Sept. 4)