
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“ When The Sun Comes Up” Meadow- August 17-21





We are back after the Obon Holiday. It’s good to see that every family is well and healthy.


In Meadow, we had so much fun this week. Playing in the water is one of our activities. The weather is so hot, we feel cool every time we get in the pool. Our little ones have learned becoming more independent in changing their clothes. If they need help, they could say, “Help me please”
We have been singing the weather song entitled, When the sun comes up. Here, we learned the vocabulary “up” and “down” and we try to say the complete sentence, “How’s the weather!”

Meadowクラスでは今週も多くの楽しい活動を行いました。水遊びはその一つです。気候が大変暑いため水遊びをする度に涼しく感じます。Meadowクラスのお友達は衣類の着替えの際に、より自信を持つようになってきました。手伝ってもらいたい時は「Help me please.」と言うこともできます。子供達は今「When the sun comes up」という歌を歌っています。この歌では「up」また「down」の語彙を学び「How’s the weather」に対してフルセンテンスで答えるようにしています。

Sports Festival will be coming next month! We made a craft related to our theme which is, “Space”. We love rockets 🚀. Here we go.


We had also our Music lesson. Meadow has becoming more focused. We have improved our skills in listening and we engaged more in the lesson.


After the Music class, we spent time playing in the sandpit. We have learnt how to share the sandpit stuff with our friends. We try our best to play nicely and have fun together.


Oh, how we loved the story of the “Five Little Monkeys. We were singing it while reading. Again, our skills in listening was being appraised.

そして子供達は「Five Little Monkeys」の歌が大好きです。絵本の読み聞かせの際に歌っています。また、聞く力がついてきているのを実感します。

Check out more of our fun-filled learning activities next week. Have a wonderful and safe weekend ISN families.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / “ When The Sun Comes Up” Meadow- August 17-21