
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


GERMS ARE NOT FOR SHARING‼️ Rainbow- Feb. 24-28

Health is wealth! We need to be more extra careful especially nowadays where virus is continually spreading.
We taught them to practice good hygiene to prevent virus from spreading such as: cover your mouth when you sneeze/cough or use tissue, wash your hands properly with soap and water (sing A,B,C song), and gurgle your mouth.
「健康は富にも勝る」! ウイルスが拡散し続けている今様々な事に気をつけなければいけません。レインボーでもウイルス拡散をさせない為に衛生状態をよくしようと、くしゃみや咳をするときに口にティッシュを当てる、又は手を使わずに袖で口や鼻を覆うようにする事・ABCの歌を歌いながら石鹸でしっかり手を洗う事(泡を手に乗せるだけで洗い流してしまわないで!)、そしてうがいをしっかりすることなどを子供達に教えました。
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One of our little ones turned 3 this month!🎈
She had a wonderful birthday party with her friends! Happy birthday!!!🎉

It was a great day at the gym, indeed! Our youngsters did various exercises such as: running back and forth, dancing, walking like a ninja, jumping over the rope like a rabbit, and chasing one another like a bee.
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For our craft this week, we made Hina dolls for the upcoming Hinamatsuri Festival. Everyone made a beautiful doll!🎎
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For our lesson, we continued to discuss the different kinds of fruits.
And for the 5 Senses topic, we talked about our “sense of taste”. With their tongue, they taste sugar, bread, and banana then we let them identify if it’s sweet, salty, bitter, or sour. 👅
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Have a great weekend everyone! Stay healthy and fit!✨

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / GERMS ARE NOT FOR SHARING‼️ Rainbow- Feb. 24-28