
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star August 5 – 9

We have had a fun week of learning! The Shooting Star students have been learning some jump out words this year and now we’ve started to not only read them but write them as well. The students wrote our first book together called the “I Like My…” book. We all drew a picture of something we like and then wrote a sentence about it. When we’re done, we will put the book in our reading nook. We used our reading nook for the first time this week and it was wonderful to see all the students reading and looking at the books.
Jump Out Wordsという重要単語(sight words)を毎日歌って踊って学んできたSSのみんな。今ではたくさんの単語を読めるようになりました。今週は読むだけでなく、単語を書いて文章を作ることに挑戦しました!!
“I like my…”の3つの単語を使って、それぞれ自分の好きなものを絵と文章に書き、1冊の本を作っています!
Another fun activity we did this week was baking! One of the jobs we’ve been talking about is a baker and thought it would be a lot of fun if we could turn the classroom into a bakery. The students got to knead the doe and shape it before the teacher baked it in the oven. After it was done we got to have some of the bread for our afternoon snack and took the other one we made home. It was a great experience.
プール遊び中にけいこ先生にオーブンで焼いいただき、午後のお昼に美味しくいただきました!手作りのパンの味は最高!”It smells good.” “I like my bread!” と嬉しそうに食べました。お母さんお父さんにもお土産としてひとつ持ち帰りました!
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We continued our line of inquiry from last week. For the lessons this week we’ve been watching videos together of kids talking about what they want to be when they grow up. After the long holiday we will do an activity with the students about what they want to be when they grow up similar to the videos.
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Safe travels for everyone that is traveling this holiday and have a great holiday!
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Shooting Star August 5 – 9