
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star May 13 – 17

We have had a very exciting week! For our UOI this week we have been making different things for our house corner in the classroom. We have a kitchen for the students to play with and food, but we have no other items and decided to make them. We made a refrigerator, a computer, a car, and a washing machine. Since we have been talking about family roles, we thought it was important to have these items as well so the students could get some experience playing with them.
インターナショナルスクールオブ長野松本キャンパスの4歳児Shooting Starクラスでは、今週とっても楽しいUOIのレッスンをしました。今週は家族にそれぞれの役割を聞き、お父さんやお母さんがどんな仕事をするのか考えることができました。
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Monday we had our swimming class in Matsumoto city. We split the class so half go one week and the other half go the next week. The children are having a great time in class and are learning new things since they are in the 4 – 5 year olds class.
Wednesday we had our gym class and Thursday we went to the park. We still took the bus but starting next week we will be walking again. Once we got to the park we walked around and did some exercises since we didn’t walk there. We all had a fun time!
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For math we started learning about weight. The students have been having a great time figuring out which items are heavier or lighter than others. We also demonstrated this activity for the parents during open school day on Friday.
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Our phonics lesson was a blast this week! We had so much fun learning about syllables. The students were clapping and stomping their names and then we started using other words. After introducing syllables we were able to use some instruments and make a syllable parade. It was so much fun!
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Thank you to all the parents that were able to come to the open school day Friday. The students were so excited and happy to have you all there. We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Shooting Star May 13 – 17