
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star May 7 – 10

We hope everyone enjoyed their Golden Week vacation!
This week has been short but fun. Tuesday we started talking about the roles our family members have in the home. We did a formative assessment activity with the students to see what they already know. Each hexagon had a picture on it of either a family member or a family role. The students had to match the role with the family member. Some roles had multiple family members so it was kind of like putting a puzzle together.
washes the dishes, unpacks bagpack, cooks, drives, goes to work, playsなど子どもたち自身の役割もあれば、お父さんやお母さんがすることもありました。それぞれの家族で役割が違ったり、同じだったりすることにも気づけました。
formative assessmentといって、すでに子どもたちが知っている情報を評価するタスクでは、6角形のカードを使って、家族のメンバーとそれぞれの役割のカードをパズルのように繋げることをしました。
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The craft we did this week was a present for the student’s mothers. They picked their mom’s favorite color and painted the puzzle pieces for the picture frame and then drew themselves and their moms. It was fun and we enjoyed making the gifts.
とっても素敵なプレゼントができ、子どもたちもお母さんに”Thank you.”と言って渡すのを楽しみにしていました。
Happy Mother’s Day!
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In music class this week, we learned a new song called Doubutsuen. The children picked different animals to sing about which was fun. They also played their pianica along with the song.
We didn’t walk to the park this week but we did take the bus to a park in Matsumoto City. Friday we played outside in front of the school. We got some exercise and had fun playing games.
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We hope everyone has a great weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Shooting Star May 7 – 10