
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora April 22-26

Another week of busy happy fun! We worked on the IB Theme “Who We Are” for our 3-4 year old Kindergarten Class. With yarn, pom poms, pipe cleaners we made collages of our funny faces. We had such good laugh at ourselves. Can you guess who each child is below?

今週も3歳児のオーロラクラスは、IBテーマである”Who We Are-私達は誰なのか-“を学びました。毛糸、ポンポン、モールを使って自分の顔をおもしろくデコレーションをしました。どれがどの子の顔かわかりますか?
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We looked into the mirror and studied our features. We had conversations about how we are the same and yet different in some ways. We looked at our hands too and compared them with other friends in class. We used words like small, big, long , short, straight and wavy. We identified where our wrists, elbows were and made “wristwatches” out of pipe cleaners.
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Not forgetting our letter for the week – Cc for cat, caterpillar, cap, car. We read a book “Caps for Sale: A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business” written and illustrated by Esphyr Slobodkina. We worked on numbers too – counting objects 1 to 4.
今週は、C-cat, caterpillar,cap,careを学びました。”cap”から”Caps for Sale”という帽子売りといたずらサルたちの本を読みました。数字では、1-4まで認識出来るようになりました。
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Outdoor fun in the park we had. With beautiful Sakura trees around us and a playground, Aurora was contented!
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Have a spectacular Golden Week!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora April 22-26