
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow March 11-15

We are in the last month of the academic year. Meadow has made such great progress in their growth – physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally too. Each child is different and we celebrate their uniqueness. Well done to every single one of our Meadow children!
In this last month, we are reviewing the past topics that we have worked on. This week we reviewed “animals”. We had a visiting teacher who read us a book by Eric Carle about animals “From Head to Toe”. The class enjoyed it. The children loved playing with their friends in the classroom and having fun at Gym class too.
今月は今まで学んできたトピックスの総復習をしています。今週は動物に焦点を当てて復習しました。トレーニングに入ってくださった先生にEric Carleさんの”From Head to Toe”を読んでもらいました。クラス全員が楽しみました。
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The class caught some crisp fresh air in the park on some sunny days. We picked rocks and dug around in the sand. Slides and swings were always our favourites.
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We had a birthday party for our March babies. Happy Birthday! Finally, all our Meadow children turned 3. Have a great weekend!
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Meadow March 11-15