
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow February 12-15

This week’s highlight was the Gym Open Day. Our youngsters were so excited seeing  their parents at the gym. As expected, everyone had a great time doing the gym activities with their parent/parents and it seemed like the time was too short for them. It was one of their unforgettable days in Rainbow. Thank you dear parents for coming.
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For our lesson, we continued learning about Fruits. We all loved singing the Fruit Song. In this song, we have learned the phrase, “What would you like to eat? I would like…. (apple, banana, strawberry, etc.) Each one stood up and chose the fruit they like and said, I would like strawberry/apple/grape/ etc. Obviously, majority in the class liked strawberry 🍓.
レッスンでは、引き続きフルーツの名前です。歌に合わせて果物の名前を覚え、”何が食べたいですか?””◯◯がほしい!”と自分の好きなフルーツを選び”I would like~”で答えました。それぞれ好きなフルーツが言えましたが、ほとんどのお友達はイチゴが大好きなようです。
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The cold weather didn’t stop us going to the park. Rainbow, Meadow, and Lagoon class went together. We did lots of running about in the park and it was wonderful.
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Please enjoy the Valentine’s card our little ones made for you. Have a lovely weekend everyone!
子ども達は、“I love you” と言ってバレンタインカードは渡せたでしょうか?

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow February 12-15