
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow January 7-11

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2019. May this year bring everyone a great success.

In Rainbow, we started our first day at school after new year with a great walk by pair without using a walking rope. Instead of using a walking rope, we held our partner’s hand. We have set of rules to follow like, hold partner’s hand all the time, no running, no pushing, follow the person in front of us, no making gap, and most importantly, listen to teachers. We did it remarkably! Then we had fun playing in the park. It was awesome.
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We have a new set of songs in Music 🎶 class (Bingo, Finger family, Hokey pokey, and I’m a little snowman). Everyone had fun singing, dancing, and clapping. We liked BINGO song the most. We sang with a loud voice B-I-N-G-O with clapping.
ミュージックレッスンでは、新しい曲のBingo, Finger family, Hokey Pokey, I’m a little snowmanを取り入れ楽しみました。 ”BINGO”の曲が一番気に入ったようで、大きな声とリズム打ちで歌えました。
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For our lesson, we have been learning about comparisons like, big/small, tall/short/, hot/cold, etc.). Rainbow could construct simple sentences like, Soup is hot. Ice cream is cold. We loved singing Open Shut them. In this song, we learned opposites like, fast/slow, loud/quiet, big/small, please/no, thank you, and open/shut.
レッスンでは、大きい/小さい、高い/低い、熱い/冷たいなど、対象語を学んでいます。日常の中でも、スープが熱い、アイスクリームは冷たいなどと言っています。四月から歌っている手遊び“open shut them”では、速い/遅い、大きな声(音)/静かな声(音)、いる/いらない、など様々な対象語が出てきて子ども達も大好きな歌です。お家でも歌ってみて下さい。
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We missed the Gym class. As soon as we entered the gym, everyone was running around. Although it was very cold, but the cold weather couldn’t halt our vitality. We enjoyed running, jumping, crawling, and doing other gym activities.
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We made penguin shapes with our own choice of colors and shapes for craft. The work of our little hands made us glad seeing how cute the penguins we made are.
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Have a lovely long weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow January 7-11