
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow November 26-30

It’s our birthday month! Everyone enjoyed at the Birthday 🎂 Party hosted by Ms. Serena. She read a book entitled  Caps for Sale: A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business written and illustrated by Esphyr Slobodkina  which everyone loved. It was a fantastic Birthday Party ever. Thank you Ms. Serena for making us happy.

Ms Serenaが主となって、11月生まれの誕生会がありました。”Caps for Sale”と言う帽子売りのパドラーとサル達のお話の本を読んでくれました。Rainbowの子ども達には少し難しい本かと思いきや、Ms Serenaがアクションを付けながらわかりやすく話しを進めてくれたり、大きいクラスの子ども達も笑ったり質問に答えたりとリアクションがあった為、Rainbowの子ども達も楽しんでお話を聞いていました。
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In this week, our beloved little ones have showed their confidence to stand up and played the role of a teacher in our morning circle time. They were like little teachers who helped the class in finding and pointing to the answer of the question such as; What month are we in now? What’s the season? How’s the weather? etc.
朝の会では、子ども達が1人ずつ前に立って、”今は何月?” ”季節は?” ”今日の天気は?”などの質問に、みんなの前で答えて発表をしました。その姿は、まるで小さな先生です。
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For our lesson, we did a fishing game activity for letters I, J, and K. Everyone gladly took their turn to fish the letter that they were told to fish.
“I” “J” “K”のレッスンです。質問された、アルファベットの魚をキャッチ出来ました。
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To round-up our topic about Body and Clothes for this month of November, we helped our friend Bobby by putting on his clothes to the different parts of his body.
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Our Christmas Show performance practice is on-going. Surprisingly, we are improving as we practise day by day. The more we sing and dance, the more we get stickers. This is going to be a big event that’s why we want to make it memorable for Rainbow class.
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Have a lovely weekend everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow November 26-30