
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora November 12 – 16

We have been having so much fun. The students are doing a great job with their Christmas performance practices. They are learning quickly and making improvements every day. Music class on Mondays is focusing a lot on the music part of the performance. We split the class in half so half the class are using bells for the performance and the other half are using castanets. During the afternoon routine we have been practicing the play part of the performance.
The students are doing a great job using magic words. The are starting to communicate with eachother in a much more positive way. The next part of this unit we will be talking about body language. This is also another important way we communicate with eachother.
Tuesday we had our swimming class and did body measurements. Then on Wednesday we had our gym class.
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Magic Wordsを上手に使えるようになるレッスンもがんばっている子どもたちです。前にも増してお互いを思いやる姿が見られるようになりました。次回はボディーランゲージについて学習する予定です。これも大切なコミュニケーションの手段だと言われています。
Thursday and Friday we went to the park. Before playing on the structure, we have been playing a group game. This month we have been playing chain tag. When someone is tagged, they hold hands with the person who tagged them to make a chain. They have been having a lot of fun playing this game.
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We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and we’ll see you on Monday.

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora November 12 – 16