
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora October 8 – 12

This has been a short but fun week! Tuesday we were able to finish our first Halloween craft. The students had fun weaving spider webs. We hung them outside the classroom so please feel free to take a look when you have a chance.
三連休明けの短い週でしたが楽しいことがたくさんありました。火曜日はハロウィンのクラフト、Spiderweb(蜘蛛の巣) の仕上げをしました。紙皿に開けた穴に毛糸を通すのをみんな楽しんでやっていました。教室の外側に飾りましたので、お迎えの際などご覧下さい。
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We continued our theme of using magic words and communicating with our words to our friends. We will have a fun activity next week to reinforce what we have learned.
今週もMagic wordsを使うこと、Magic wordsを使ってお友達とコミュニケーションをすることをテーマにレッスンをしています。来週は、いままで学んだ事を更に理解できるような楽しいアクテビティをする予定です!
We went to the park this week but what the students were most excited about was our bus trip. They have been talking about it all week and thank goodness the weather was nice so we could go. The students played on the play structure first and had a blast! After playing for a while we sat down for lunch. It was so exciting to see everyone’s lunches. I love seeing what the parents come up with for the bentos. They are so creative and fun to see. The students were also excited to show us their lunches. After lunch the students were able to play a little more before walking back to the bus. Just before we left we took a class photo in front of a dinosaur!
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We all had so much fun this week and look forward to anther exciting week to come. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora October 8 – 12