
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow Sept 10-13

This week was another yummy week as we explored our Food topic on desserts – cakes, ice cream, donuts, and more! During pretend play in class, we had picnics and birthday parties with our wonderful platter of sushi, fruits, dessert and meat on bone. The children had great fun and laughter “eating” our treats – yummy for my tummy! Play is important as the children also learn social skills – to share toys with each other and to take turns.

今週も引き続きヤミー!!なトピックで楽しみ、盛り上がりました。みんなの大好きな食べ物やデザート(desserts) -ケーキ( cakes),アイスクリーム( ice cream),ドーナツ( donuts)など沢山にふれました!クラスではごっこ遊びとして、ピクニックに行ったり、お誕生日会を開いたり、オモチャのお寿司や果物、骨付きお肉を使って楽しみました。yummy for my tummy!と言いながら食べる真似をして笑い合いました!!遊びは子供にとってとても大切。順番を守ったり、お友達とシェアしたり、いつも遊びながら学んでいます。

Meadow learned songs “Happy Birthday” and “Months of the Year”. They were very interested in their birthday months as we have our birthday photographs in class.

クラスでは、 “Happy Birthday”と“Months of the Year”のお歌も歌っています。みんなはお友達や勿論自分のお誕生日に興味津々です。

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The popular book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle is our staple reading for the month, amongst other books. The transformation from a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly makes for a delightful ending. Of course, we are always amazed at the long list of food the little hungry caterpillar can eat. The class learned about names of the food, reviewed colours and days of the week. Another must-have book for your home library. Below is a video too.

はらぺこあおむしのタイトルででとても有名な本、Eric Carle さんの “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”を今月の本としてMeadowクラスで読んでいます。あおむしから美しいチョウに変わっていく姿を捉えた素晴らしい本です。はらぺこあおむしさんが食べた物を追いながら読み進めています。この本から、食べ物の名前を学ぶと同時に、今まで学んだ色の復習もし、また、曜日も学びんでいます。

What better way to have fun learning than with songs, especially as an introduction to big numbers for our Nursery children. We have an easy to follow count-with-me song “Numbers  1-20”. To help with identifying numbers, we matched number candles and placed them on our ‘birthday cake’. We practised writing these numbers too.
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It is our Sports Festival this coming Friday. We look forward to a spectacular day! Respect for the Aged Day is next Monday which is a public holiday. We made medals for our doting grandparents.
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Happy Grandparents’ Day and have a restful long weekend!
それでは、良い週末をお過ごしください。Happy Grandparents’ Day!!

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