
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora August 6 -8

It has been a short week but a fun one. Monday we had our music class and wrote the letter M.  We also had a lot of fun playing in the pool.
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Tuesday we didn’t have our swimming class, so we did a craft instead. We are talking about reusing items around the house so we decided to do a craft that went along with this theme. Thank you everyone for preparing the PET bottles for your children. We used them to make a fun pool toy that looks like an octopus.
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Wednesday we had our gym class. Again we practiced for the sports festival. This time we practiced for the race as well so we had to take lots of water breaks. Everyone is doing a great job staying hydrated during this hot summer. We ended the day with a new math activity. The students had to match the number with the amount of dots on the other paper. It was like a puzzle but with numbers. We had a great time.
水曜日は体育館へ行き、スポーツフェスティバルの練習をしました。今回はダンス、玉入れの他に、かけっこの練習もしたので水分補給を何度もしながら練習をしました。暑い日でしたが、みんなとても頑張っていました。この日のAfternoon Circle Timeでは、数字を学習する新しいアクテビティをしました。片方には数字、もう片方にはその数の●が描かれているシートを組み合わせる活動をしました。2つのシートはパズルのようになっていますが、●の数を数えながら行い、とても良い時間になりました。
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We hope everyone has a nice long vacation.

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora August 6 -8