
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow Rainbow July 23-27

Meadow and Rainbow have been gearing up for our Sports Festival in September. During Gym class, we practised for our race. We learn how to say “I’m here” when each of our names is called. We learn to wait at the starting line for the whistle and off we go! We have a dance for the festival too. It’s the “Ebi and Kani” dance. Please see the YouTube link –https://youtu.be/GcMZRZqqKMY

Meadow とRainbowクラスでも、9月に行われるスポーツフェスティバルの準備を始めています。ジムレッスンではかけっこの練習をしました。お名前を呼ばれたら、一人ひとり大きな声で“I’m here”とお返事をする練習もしました。ラインに並び、笛の合図を待ち、走り出します!また、全体体操のエビカニクスの練習もしました。こちらのYouTubeを参考におうちでもダンスを楽しんでみてください。
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We rounded off this month with a review of the sea animals we have been exploring. Meadow created a collage. With crayons we coloured the background then added the animals – shark, jellyfish, octopus, turtle, starfish, shrimp, and crabs. We displayed our jellyfish craft which was made out of paper bowl and coloured streamers. The children enjoyed painting with brushes and drawing with jumbo sized crayons. These crayons allow better grip for the very young children.
今週は、今月のテーマSea Animalの復習をしました。Meadowクラスのお友達はコラージュを制作しました。クラスの壁に展示していますので是非ご覧ください。大きな紙にクレヨンで海を描き、海の動物を貼りました。また、紙皿で色を刷毛で塗りJellyfish(クラゲ)も制作しました。こちらも飾っていますのでご覧ください。
With art and craft, we review colours and try different materials for our creative work. The children learn to squeeze a glue bottle, apply the glue and paste. 
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We continue our water play fun in the school yard. We ensure that the children are not out in the sun for too long and that they drink enough water. All teachers have also been given instructions on how to look out for signs of heat stroke. Let’s enjoy Summer fun and stay healthy too. Have a fabulous weekend!
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Meadow Rainbow July 23-27