
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora July 9 – 13

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful week! The days are getting hotter so we have been spending a lot of time outside in the pool. The students have been having a great time staying cool and playing in the water.
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Monday we had our music class and writing practice. We practiced writing the letter I. We also learned about two new I words, inchworm and igloo. We also continued learning about quantity from numbers 6-10.
月曜日はミュージックレッスンとライティングの練習をしました。今週は「I」を書く練習をしました。Iでスタートする、inchiworm(しゃくとりむし)、igloo(氷の住居)という新しい単語も覚えました。Afternoon Circle Timeでは、6~10までの数字を数える練習をしました。
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Tueasday we started our practice for the sports festival. They enjoy the songs and sing them throughout the day. The students are doing a great job during the practice and are learning the dance moves quickly.
火曜日は、スポーツフェスティバルに向けたダンスの練習を始めました。みんなとっても上手に先生の真似ができ、ダンスの動きもすぐに覚えてしまいました。オープニングの体操で使用する曲「Ebi&Kani」と、ダンスで使用する曲「Baby Shark」がとても気に入ったようで、子どもたちは一日中口ずさんでいました。
Wednesday we went to the gym where we practiced our exercise song and racing. We all ran around the course together first and then they raced by groups of four half way around the course. After gym we started our clean and dirty sorting activity. The students sorted pictures of things that were clean or dirty and had to glue them in the right column.
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Thursday we finished our sorting activity and practiced for the sports festival. We worked on a different portion of the song that we started on Tuesday. They are learning so fast! After all their hard work they were able to do some swimming before lunch.
Friday we had an earthquake drill. The students were very good listeners and followed the directions well. We talked about what an earthquake was first before the drill started. That way they would know why they were practicing what to do and why. Later that day we introduced a topic about not being wasteful. Sometimes we don’t realize how much natural resources we use on a daily basis and what we waste. Not being wasteful is a good habit to have and so we have started to teach this in the Aurora class. After our lesson we did some more practice for the sports festival and then went swimming. At the end of the day we looked at our radishes to see how they were doing. Afterwards the students were able to take them home.
生活面でもオーロさん達はいろんな事に取り組んでいます。まず食事中のお約束として、今月は「お箸を正しく使おう。」、「食器のお片付けをきれいにやろう。」という事を目標にしています。お箸でうまく食べ物が掴めず、手で食べてしまう事もまだあります。お箸をきちんと持ち、お皿も利き手の反対側の手でしっかりと持つことで、お皿が動かず食べ物が上手に掴めるようになります。お家でもお声かけ、お願いします。また屋外プールの使用が始まり、お着替えをする機会が増えています。今月は裏返しになってしまった洋服を上手に元に戻す練習を重点的に行っています。今日はみんなの前で裏返しになった洋服の直し方を見せました。いままで苦戦していたお友達も上手に返すことが出来るようになり、I did it!とうれしそうに見せてくれました。
We hope that everyone has a great long weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora July 9 – 13