
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


MW 24 May 2018

Harry the dirty dogやChester’s Wayなどの絵本を読んで、他人と自分の違いや似ているところを考えたり、他の人と違うということはいいこと?悪いこと?と自分自身に質問してみたり。。。
Who We Areのユニットで感じたこと、学んだこと、できるようになったことなどを、担任のクリス先生と1対1で話をする時間もありました。
This week Milky Way has been concluding their investigations into the transdisciplinary theme Who we are, with the central idea being that understanding myself and others helps to build stronger relationships. They have continued on the unit’s third lines of enquiry: Understanding that our differences and similarities connects us while concurrently reviewing the unit hitherto.
Teachers’ have read to the class Harry the Dirty Dog, and Chester’s Way and the class discussed the themes and takeaway messages of the stories. The class was also posed some plot-related ‘what if’ scenarios to deepen their thoughts in relation to the said meanings.
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Students have continued bringing to school some of their favourite personal effects and presenting a short show-and-tell regarding their selections.
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Concomitantly students have each had brief, individual, oral assessments with the Home Room Teacher to gauge their learning thus far in terms of a summative assessment for the theme, as well as other classroom attitudes and behaviours pertaining to selected social skills and research skills defined by a PYP, facilitation-team composed rubric. The results of these will be available along with a collection of classroom work in students’ portfolios.
Today, students’ were assembled for class photos to be taken.
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In mathematics the students have continued studying the doubling of numbers less than or equal to twelve simultaneous with the basic terms and concepts of multiplication and division.
In English, students are daily studying the pronunciations of various phonograms (single and multiple letter), as well as the recognition of sets of sight-words; a task they enjoy and are doing exceptionally well with.
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